
Key things to consider when thinking about divorce

The decision to end a marriage is not an easy to one make. When you think you have reached a point where divorce is the only option, it’s important to think critically about your next steps before you proceed.
One major thing you should consider when thinking about divorce is your finances. Regardless of your current financial situation, divorce can put a strain on any family’s budget, particularly those where the couple relies on one income.
Before you file for divorce, think about your current cash flow and your debt obligations. It’s important to know what you will be able to afford after your divorce. Include your mortgage or rent, cost of groceries, child care and general living expenses in your thought process.
Consider making a budget and researching any expenses you may incur as a newly single person or a newly single parent. Monthly maintenance payments, or support checks from one party to another, are not guaranteed, so factor your budget based on the possibility that you may have to solely rely on your own income for a period of time.
If you are not currently employed, it may benefit you to begin looking for a job or seeking out job training programs. It can sometimes take many months for a case to make its way through the court process, so consider how you will pay bills in the meantime.

Other key considerations include parenting arrangements for those couples with children. Think about what you will do if you are the primary caregiver for the next few months. Identify your support network or those people you can rely on if you need help as a single parent. If this network includes your current spouse, be sure to create a mutually agreed upon schedule and set of boundaries. This can help lay the groundwork for a parenting plan after divorce.
Contact Michal or Josh if you are considering a divorce, and would like information and guidance as you make your decision.

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