
Disclosures: A Guide

When filing for divorce, whether you are using an attorney or filing by yourself, there is an inevitable amount of paperwork. In order to ensure the court is providing the best solution, the judge or the other party can request dozens of different types of forms and statements.

Before you file for divorce, it may help to gather some of the following documents:
  1. Sworn Financial Statement — both sides must fill out this form (Forms JDF 1111 and JDF1111SS, both available here)
  2. Income Tax Returns from the three most recent years
  3. Personal financial statements from the three most recent years; these can include loan documents, credit applications and the like
  4. Business financial statements — these are only for individuals who have financial interest in a company
  5. Real estate documents including the title of any owned real estate
  6. Personal debt statements that who the balance and any payment terms
  7. Investment statements
  8. Employment benefits and retirement plans
  9. Banks and financial statements
10. Income documentation (generally the most recent three months of pay stubs)
11. Employment and education-related child care documents
12. Insurance documents including health, life, and property insurance
13. Statements related to the expenses for children

If you are uncertain of what some of these forms are or if you have questions about what you should be prepared with as you go through the divorce process, it is best to consult an attorney.

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